1·Sea "means all Marine waters other than the internal waters of States."
2·These findings prompted worldwide research on factors controlling the inactivation of viruses in Marine waters.
3·In Marine waters, climate processes and extreme weather events will increase in frequency and intensity - the most well known of these is the el nino phenomenon in the South Pacific.
4·To address these questions, scientists from China and elsewhere are rushing around the oceans from ice-cold polar regions to the Indo-Pacific warm Pool, the warmest Marine waters in the world.
5·And because of their size and few predators, whales and other big Marine vertebrates can efficiently export carbon from the surface waters to the deep sea.
6·Those blooms become a great banquet for krill, fish, penguins, whales, and other Marine species who carve out a living in the cool waters of the far south.
7·Marine dead zones form when nitrogen and phosphorus pollution concentrates in near-coast waters through a process called eutrophication.
8·The Lake Superior National Marine Conservation Area offers unparalleled waters for trout, whitefish, lake herring, and walleye.
9·Dr Salvador Jorgensen, of Stanford University's Hopkins Marine station, found that in winter, sharks leave seal colonies, where they feed all summer, and set off for warmer waters.
10·More than 200 tonnes of oil have already poured into the sea, with unknown effects on Marine life, making it the worst spill in UK waters in the last 10 years.